Class 13
San Francisco Batch 13

This is ONLY A PREVIEW of our current batch of companies at the San Francisco office. The batch started August 1st, and Demo Day is anticipated to be January 18th, 2023. Please sign up for our newsletter to get the exclusive announcements from our companies and for Demo Day. Updated September 15, 2022

CEO Ece Gözen Akin
"The thinness, strength and softness of our leather is unprecedented… it removes all the limits that held back traditional leather.”
Gozen Bioworks has raised $525,000 from SOSV IndieBio and the Genesis Consortium
Sustainable alternative to leather, as soft as lambskin
Leather is a $400B industry with more consumers seeking sustainable alternatives

Founded by one of Turkey’s most famous young fashion designers, Gozen Bioworks is a biomaterials company that has created the world’s strongest and softest bio-based animal-free leather to date. Their latest product (Xylozen™) is twice as strong as animal leather, impossibly thin, and soft enough to replace lambskin in luxury tiers.

The breakthrough in their technology is the scalability of their sustainable bioproduction process: while their competitors are investing in how to engineer systems that can distribute nutrients throughout their leather alternative, Gozen has designed their leather with scalability in mind, such that their nutrient delivery system can distribute at micron-scale resolution for almost no additional CAPEX. They are in talks with several luxury brands to position their product as a high-end alternative material.

CEO Ophira Melamed, PhD
"For thousands of years the human population had always been less than a billion… but the Haber-Bosch process helped us make the fertilizers to get to 8 billion… now we have to decarbonize it."
Nitrofix has raised $525,000 from SOSV IndieBio and the Genesis Consortium
Electrochemical production of green ammonia
Half of all the nitrogens in your body have been synthetically made by the dirty Haber-Bosch process

In order to supply our agriculture and industries with an available source of nitrogen, we rely on a chemical process that requires 400˚C of heat and more pressure than at the bottom of the world’s deepest lake. It’s no wonder that ammonia production releases 500 million tons of CO2 annually (3% of the world’s carbon emissions). Producing green ammonia is a tall order that has puzzled chemists for decades.

With inspiration from nature, Nitrofix has designed a readily-available catalyst that can produce ammonia at room temperature and pressure, thereby nearly eliminating the heat and pressure (and thus carbon) costs. This might sound too good to be true, but their electrochemical process can produce ammonia using the voltage of a standard AA battery. Using the innovation from a renowned Weizmann Institute lab, they’ve already produced ammonia at the benchtop in the first weeks of IndieBio, and they are currently finishing an industrially scalable prototype in time for Demo Day.

CEO Marieh Mehran, M.Arch.
"Lighter but stronger concrete opens up unprecedented markets and methods for city building... add in sustainability, and this is a new construction paradigm."
MAA'VA has raised $525,000 from SOSV IndieBio & HAX, and the Genesis Consortium
Next-generation eco-concrete, 30% lighter and stronger
60% of concrete is sand that we steal from rivers and habitats

Concrete is the third largest greenhouse gas emitter but even less known is how much sand is required to make it. Sand mining is responsible for ecosystem collapse through erosion, water outflows, and biodiversity loss. The shortage of sand has prompted researchers to replace it with more sustainable aggregates, but the previously unsolvable issue is that any additive that is not a cementitious material creates weak points, and results in concrete that fails compressive strength testing.

MAA’VA’s scientific breakthrough is how to incorporate plastic waste into concrete without compromising strength, all while reducing the water usage for concrete production by up to 90%. Their novel building material cures faster, is cheaper to make, is 30% lighter than traditional concrete, is as strong (or even stronger) than normal concrete, and provides a path to store plastic waste into our built environment.

CEO Jesica Urbina, PhD
“Everyone is talking about lithium, but most people don't realize that we’ll need to increase our refining of rare earth metals by much, much more."
Infinite Elements has raised $525,000 from SOSV IndieBio and the Genesis Consortium
Cheap and efficient bio-mining of rare earth elements
For every one ton of rare earth, 2,000 tons of toxic waste is produced

Reducing our vulnerability to disruptions in our supply of critical metals is important for national security, but the current methods used to mine and extract metals are too toxic, too energy intensive, and damage communities and the environment around the world. Infinite Elements is using synthetic biology to extract, concentrate, and purify rare earth metals found in magnets using a process already found in nature.

Their method is already low-cost, more efficient than traditional extraction methods, and requires no additional energy. Even more value-add will come from the separation, not the extraction: The ability to separate dysprosium from neodymium and praseodymium could fetch five times as much value as the mixture of the three. Their biological approach will be able to separate these metals with solutions no more acidic than lemon juice. Infinite Elements’s opening salvo is to extract and separate the $16 billion worth of rare earth elements from electronic waste and electric vehicle magnets.

CEO Dan Even, M.Sc.
"Animal free proteins will never be 'identical' until the glycosylations are solved."
Asterix Foods has raised $275,000 from SOSV IndieBio and $1.25M from CPT Capital and Reegen Ventures
Functional bioactive proteins for food.
Plant cell culture can grow at ambient temperature and the culture media only costs one-fifth of microbial precision fermentation

Industry leading companies like Impossible, Perfect Day (RebelBio), and EVERY (IndieBio) have shown the powerful commercial appeal of animal-free proteins. Behind this first wave comes a second wave: glycoproteins.

Glycoproteins require precise glycosylations to accurately fold, recognize, and bind – driving functional performance needed in the food industry. To unlock this second wave of animal-free proteins, Asterix Foods is using plant cell culture, because plant cells can easily achieve glycosylations that microbial fermentation is challenged by.

Payam Koshkenar, PhD
"Nobody can predict LNP behavior and tissue targeting from the lipid composition... but it's such an an important innovation, and we think it's very possible with the right tools."
Dandelion has raised $525,000 from SOSV's IndieBio and the Genesis Consortium
AI-driven LNP discovery
"90% of clinical trial failures for therapeutics could be solved by better and more targeted drug delivery vehicles"

To reach the full potential of RNA therapeutics, we have to understand how the tuning of just 4 ingredients in the delivery vehicle (lipid nanoparticles) can confer transfection and targeting efficiency.

Dandelion is the first to leverage machine learning and biophysics in a systematic attempt to make sense of the chaos between LNP structure and function. They are currently training a generative AI model that can design organ and cell-type specific drug delivery vehicles, with in vivo experiments to validate and course correct the machine learning. The ultimate goal is to deliver more targeted RNA therapeutics with fewer side effects.

CEO Aviel Even, PhD
"We are revolutionizing meat as an ingredient"
Ingrediome has raised $2,450,000 from SOSV IndieBio and the Genesis Consortium
Real Meat and Sea Food made from CO2
Ingrediome's meat has 25% more protein, and 30% less saturated fat compared with traditional animal-based products.

At Ingrediome, we create real meat and seafood by using photosynthetic precision fermentation to create nature-identical animal proteins. These key functional proteins capture a great deal of the taste, looks and texture of meat while enabling us to make clean-label products with better nutritional values even compared with traditional meat.

During the past 2 years, we’ve gone from lab setup to cultivating cyanobacteria in a 100 Liter Photobioreactor and now working on tripling this scale this year, with minimal costs for such scale, 100X cheaper than the equivalent steel tank system

Our first deli meat products attracted the attention of Israel’s major deli meat producer, a leading European ingredient manufacturer with which we will commence R&D collaborations. Our first seafood products earned us a spot as one of the 3 finalists of the Thai-Union innovation challenge.

CEO Sarah Williams, PhD
“Imagine a world in which using more cement actually heals the planet. That’s our power — and our promise.”
Minus Materials has raised $275,000 from SOSV IndieBio.
Biogenic limestone for CO2-free cement
One in every 12 carbons released in our atmosphere last year came from the production of cement

Concrete production has quietly doubled in the past 20 years as we are building more and more cities, and with that comes the carbon footprint of cement, which is the glue that binds concrete together. Cement production is 8% of our global GHG emissions, and efforts to “green” the cement-making process have largely been around replacing the cement recipe.

Minus Materials is using air, sunlight, and water, to photosynthetically grow the limestone used to make ordinary portland cement, identical to what is used in the industry. Their special microalgae mineralizes CO2 into limestone, which is a renewable source of limestone compared to the traditional method of blowing up our mountains and surface mining to quarry for the same minerals. Minus’s method can reduce emissions by up to 60%, and even go carbon-negative if combined with other technologies. 

CEO Gustavo Candelaria
“Engineered wood is wood and plastic resins… we will transform the industry by making it with 100% agricultural byproducts... without even a trace of resins or toxic gas.”
Mirá has raised $525,000 from SOSV IndieBio and the Genesis Consortium
100% resin-less engineered wood
The US is the world’s largest importer of MDF, a global market of $25B

The majority of MDF (an engineered wood product) is composed of wood dust and the resin (a plastic) that binds it. The resin is the smallest component of MDF, but the biggest cost driver. Mirá Biotech eliminates the resin so that they can sell MDF for the same price as traditional MDF, but with 3-4 times the industry margin. Their secret is a 260 million-year-old enzyme used to covalently bond lignocellulosic feedstock together, without the need for any resin or chemicals.

The resulting product is 100% made of plant and wood fibers joined via a completely biological polymerization. Mirá’s MDF is a completely safe and more moisture resistant than traditional MDF, which releases volatile gasses into our homes and makes MDF difficult to recycle and biodegrade. They’re scaling up their manufacturing right now in Brazil to produce 20,000 boards a month, and will expand beyond MDF to other types of engineered wood… formaldehyde-free, and resin-free.

CEO Jonathan Kotula, PhD
"γδ T cells can uniquely generate robust and durable cytotoxicity against cancer and nothing produces more (gamma delta) T cells than Laguna Listeria."
Laguna Bio has raised $275,000 from SOSV IndieBio
The newest cancer killers on the block
2 out of 3 patients with solid tumors don’t experience a robust anti-tumor response, even with cutting-edge cancer therapies

Laguna is developing the first ever targeted cell therapy platform that requires no patient cell engineering, providing the benefits of adoptive targeted cell therapy without any of the complexity, cost, or safety issues associated with extraction and ex vivo manufacturing. Their QUAIL platform activates and expands endogenous 𝛄𝛅 T cells from 1-10 million to 1-2 billion circulating cells. This technology can be extremely effective across cancer, especially in AML where patients have no other options. Combining QUAIL with their next-gen discovery platform driven by AI-guided genetic engineering and molecular design will open the door to treating solid tumors, autoimmunity, and infectious disease.

CEO Camilla Marcus, JD, MBA
"What we choose to eat morning, noon, and night are transformative change agents to forging a new regenerative farm system which, in turn, better fuels our own health."
west~bourne has raised $525,000 from SOSV IndieBio and the Genesis Consortium
The world’s first zero waste packaged food brand built exclusively on regenerative agriculture
west~bourne has captured 60,884 lbs of carbon to date and saved 46,617 trees

west~bourne was the first certified zero-waste restaurant in NYC. Now the founder Camilla Marcus is in LA, where she has created the world’s first zero-waste packaged goods brand, sourcing exclusively from farms that deploy regenerative agriculture. Their baking mixes, tasty snacks, and yummy sauces are quickly winning awards and prominent distribution.

As regenerative ag practices increase, farmers don’t want to dump their premium ingredients into the CPG brands of old. With west~bourne, they are creating a “regenerative twin” supply and processing chain. 

CEO Mridu Sinha, PhD
"Rapid pathogen identification tests today compromise on either the sensitivity or breadth of pathogens detected. It takes a truly disruptive approach to break this tradeoff and deliver on the holy grail for bloodstream infections."
Melio has raised $1.2 million from SOSV IndieBio and angel investors
World’s only cloud-deployable diagnostics and multi-pathogen surveillance
In 2022, it still takes 1-5 days to identify pathogens causing bloodstream infections, when the risk of death increases by 8% for each hour an infection goes without appropriate treatment

In theory, the holy grail of diagnostics is simple: a rapid, universal probe that detects hundreds of pathogens at once, with broad coverage that doesn’t compromise sensitivity, uses small sample volume, doesn’t need long wait times from R&D and manufacturing, and is cheap. In practice, it is much harder.

Melio overturns the traditional one-pathogen one-probe paradigm for infectious diseases, and is able to deploy new diagnostic capabilities “over the air” with a few universal probes. In the future, when a new, unknown pathogen emerges, Melio will be able to develop the detection parameters in San Francisco, and then “push” that update out to the rest of the world to all of their devices that work with their existing cartridges in a manner of minutes, without needing to manufacture and distribute new product lines. With their patented method, they’ll also be able to expedite regulatory approval processes.

The secret sauce can be aptly described like this: Interpreting sequence information without sequencing. Melio’s protected approach will also allow the retroactive surveillance of even unidentified pathogens. Their beachhead market is neonates, where 10% of newborns end up in the NICU, and 99% of them receive precautionary but totally unnecessary antibiotic treatment because it takes days to do the blood culture. Melio is allowing doctors to go from sample-to-result in less than 3 hours.

CEO Marc Powell, PhD
"Every day, over 1000 people are told they will never be able to fully use their arm and hand again."
Reach Neuro has raised $680,000 from SOSV IndieBio and angel investors
The first to restore upper limb function to stroke survivors
Nearly 50% of stroke survivors have permanent upper limb impairment after a stroke

There is a quiet “moon landing” for the stroke survivor community: Reach Neuro’s patented spinal cord stimulation device has been able to restore upper limb function to patients even 9 years after the initial stroke event, immediately restoring their ability to self-direct a spoonful of food into their mouth, and even sign their own name.

Restoring voluntary control of this magnitude has never been achieved before for stroke survivors. The innovation here is that the stimulation target is the sensory neuron, and therefore doesn’t try to force motor neurons to fire involuntarily. The brain is still in full control. Secondly, there is a personalized stimulation protocol for each patient that Reach Neuro has been optimizing in humans for over a year. While the results are incontrovertible, Reach is currently planning to test head-to-head against the best physical therapy regimen available (but we already know how this is going to end).