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Neurocarrus Inc
Non-opiod pain relief
Funding to Date*
* Data source: Crunchbase
Benjamin Pavlik, PhD, CEO
Our success as a company would change the healthcare industry by providing an alternative to opioids as a front-line pain management solution.
More than 11 million people abused prescription opioids in 2016, and the CDC estimates it has an economic cost of $80B a year

Traditionally, people in pain are given Opioids—which, although they relieve pain, can have dangerous side effects such as loss of motor function, and addiction. Ocycontin, Vicodin, and other pain relievers are effective in subduing pain, but they are extremely addictive, which causes major problems in families and communities.

The Opioid Crisis is a reality we’re facing now—but what if pain could be treated another way? That’s exactly what Neurocarrus has been working on. Their new drug delivery technology safely disrupts pain signals without possessing addiction-forming qualities. The company’s lead asset, N-001, is a novel protein that was synthesized to target key sensory neuron structures called actin. It is designed to disrupt peripheral pain signaling without affecting motor function or causing addiction.