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ViAn Therapeutics
See beyond anti-VEGF therapies
Funding to Date*
* Data source: Crunchbase
CEO Juan Pablo Robles, PhD
“Discovery and therapeutic targeting of new angiogenesis mediators is absolutely necessary to improve treatment of blinding eye diseases.”
The current $12B market for anti-VEGF in the eye is leaving half the market ($10B) on the table because up to 50% don’t respond to the current standard of care

Vascular endothelial Growth factor, also known as VEGF, is primarily responsible for forming and maintaining new blood vessels. Under abnormal conditions, especially in the eye, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy, it causes the formation of abnormal blood vessels, which can bleed, leak, and eventually lead to scar formation and vision loss. Anti-VEGF therapy, which is administered by injection into the back of the eye, is the standard of care for severe retinal diseases, especially wet AMD. These therapeutics command a market over $12B today just for the eye alone, but those patents will soon expire, and pharma is scrambling to remix and extend their existing patents. 

ViAn Therapeutics has patented a highly potent and stable anti-angiogenic peptide that is already found in our body. The peptide is so small compared to the standard-of-care antibodies, it can be developed as a simple topical eye drop for ophthalmology indications. Not only will this enable a larger segment of AMD patients to be treated much earlier in the disease (and thereby avoid progression to severe disease), this opens up a vast market opportunity in mild to moderate diabetic retinopathies and other retinal vein occlusive diseases where a topical treatment will be highly preferred over retinal injections. ViAn Tx has already demonstrated high penetrance into the back of the eye as an topical formulation, and are putting together a pre-IND package now to further prove its safety and efficacy in rabbits.