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Dahlia Biosciences
Cell-based RNA detection tools using CRISPR.
Funding to Date*
* Data source: Crunchbase
Un Kwon, CEO
Flow cytometry is a powerful technology to study complex cell populations, and is ubiquitous in the development of immuno-oncology and cell based therapies. We see a significant opportunity to scale single-cell RNA analysis to millions of cells by combining the throughput of flow cytometry with our CRISPR-based RNA detection reagents.
The flow cytometry research market is estimated to be >$1.9 billion in 2020 growing 7%, of which approximately $1.3B is driven by annual reagents expenditures.

Dahlia Biosciences is leading the development of cell-based RNA detection tools using CRISPR technology. The foundational RNA-targeting Cas9 technology was invented by Dr. Mitchell O’Connell and Dr. Sam Sternberg in the laboratory of Dr. Jennifer Doudna at UC Berkeley.

The company is dedicated to empower scientists to study and isolate cells at high resolution via sensitive, robust, and multiplexed RNA detection in both fixed and live cells. Their CRISPR based RNA detection reagents will plug seamlessly into existing flow cytometry workflows, reducing the time and cost-basis of research and development. Their kits and reagents can supercharge the many applicaitons based on fixed-cell analysis and live-cell sorting with wide-ranging implications for detection of disease to design of biomarkers and drugs.