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BioROSA Technologies Inc.
Diagnostics for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Funding to Date*
* Data source: Crunchbase
John Slattery, CEO
There is no simple blood test to detect early and intervene when behavioral treatments are most effective.
Autism behavioral diagnosis and treatment is covered by insurance in all 50 states

No blood test exist to confirm autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Wait times for diagnosis range from 3-24 months, and the average age of diagnosis is around 4.5 years, when it’s confirmed by behavioral symptoms. More than 60% of autism health-related costs by be eliminated with earlier diagnosis and treatment, because earlier diagnosis means possible prevention.

BioROSA has developed a biologically-based diagnostic for ASD. This is a one of a kind diagnostic, screening and diagnosisng by using machine learning and targeted metabolic analysis to process biological data into a reliable and accurate diagnosis. BioROSA’s technology is also being used in therapeutic trials to assess pharmacodynamics, patient stratification, and companion diagnostic, providing doctors with the tools they need to help enable earlier detection, diagnosis, and timely treatment. They are currently the highest accuracy solution on the market, at 95% sensitivity and 92% specificity.