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Rheom Materials
Novel biomaterials grown by fermenting infinitely renewable bacterial-nanocellulose.
Funding to Date*
* Data source: Crunchbase
Zimri T. Hinshaw, CEO
Wouldn't it be awesome to live in a world where people can have the newest clothes every 6 months if they want, but they're able to be disposed of: treated, returned and recycled or upcycled or broken down into their components and put into things like garden and compost.
The global leather industry is one the highest polluting, with over 4 million tons of solid waste produced per year.

Rheom Materials is pioneering next-gen materials that leverage existing plastics manufacturing to create scalable, biobased alternatives from the Earth for the Earth. Their materials include Shorai™, a sustainable alternative to leather as well as Benree™ a sustainable biopolymer resin that can be used in place of petrochemical plastics.