We are a group of scientists and engineers designing a new system to mass-produce adult stem cells. Our pilot project is the rapid large-scale production of mesenchymal stem cells, for use in basic research and bioprinting.
With federal science budget cuts of almost $600M in Canada alone between 2008 and 2013, it is becoming increasingly difficult for researchers to fund their experiments. We are removing the difficulty and expense of isolating primary cells by delivering ready-to-use stem cells straight to your lab.
Our ultimate goal is to empower researchers and other enabling technologies to revolutionize bio-engineering through the integration of stem cell tools. In pioneering a global source of stem cells, we aim to exponentially accelerate stem cell research and open the gate to new stem cell-based therapies in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.
-the extem team
Stem cells, research, and bio-engineering – the future of stem cell based therapy.