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Harmony Baby Nutrition
The allergen-free breast milk based infant formula.
Funding to Date*
* Data source: Crunchbase
Wendel de Oliveira Afonso, CEO
Cow's milk is an agricultural problem, it can be an ethical problem, and for 1 in 5 babies, it's an allergic problem.
22 million babies are suffering from food allergies worldwide.

One in six babies suffer allergies to formula, leading to painful cries and sleepless nights for mother and infant alike. Alternatives such as soy-based formula or hydrolyzed cow’s milk formula are expensive and can also have violent side effects like diarrhea and vomiting.

Harmony Baby Nutrition is a food science-based company that uses precision fermentation to produce human breast milk proteins and create infant formulas that most closely mirror human breast milk. Harmony offers the only dairy-free, allergy-free, and environmentally friendly baby formula in the world.