Green tech company OzoneBio (IndieBio SF11 2021) was recently spotlighted in Bioenterprise’s feature, “Start-up uses waste to create world’s first emissions-free bio-nylon”. The Canadian company is upcycling waste from the paper and pulp industry to develop the world’s first nylon 66 without emissions, the article reports.
Adipic acid, a core building block of the common plastic strengthener nylon 66, produces high amounts of nitrous oxide emissions, which has a heavy environmental and climate toll. Bioenterprise highlighted how OzoneBio is using affordable treated wood waste and natural enzymes called “zombie cells” to create an emissions-free adipic acid powder.
Speaking of adipic acid, OzoneBio’s co-founder Anna Khusnutdinova commented, “The world can’t stop using this polymer because it is one of the most resilient polymers out there, but we have discovered a way to make zero-emissions adipic acid using biocatalysts and enzymes.”